The future of camo schemes depends on how we look at things in the future.
With all manner of sensors being tested, camo will be altered to be effective agains them
Right now, detection depends largely on visibility within the visual spectrum, but allready, armored vehicles have IR sensors, so developing a paint that is highly IR absorbent may render it undetectable to such sensors, even if the vehicle in question may be completely fluorescent red!!!!!
And in my dreams, I have developed a camo system that relies on micro visual sensors and fiberoptics to give a surface the same appearance as it's surroundings... off course.. my dreams take place about 1500 years from now lol.
The Dutch army has been experimenting with removable camo schemes, which could be applied quickly to suit any circumstance, and can be washed off later.
Images of that are
here Hope this helps,
Richard Renes