Quite a number out there.
Model Point makes a Beautiful T-72 "Ural" (Initial turret) but unfortunately you would either have to shave off the front glacis armor to make a russkie vehicle, or else make the tank Czech or Polish, to the best of my knowledge.
Anubis Designs also makes a really nice T-72M1 Turret.
AEF makes a decent turret, if all the proper parts are in the kit...buy at your own risk if you cannot look in the box.
Kirin (when in business) made a fairly nice T-72 turret that still pops up on eBay from time to time...as well as what they called a T-90 conversion, but it actually makes a T-72BM (but again, on the Tamiya kit, the front glacis armour woudl have to be removed to add the new front armor plate.)
Hope that gets you on track!