Thanks for the compliments.
Those indi-tracks were probably the single most time-consuming part of the model. If you plan to use kasten tracks be careful cutting the links from the sprues. They're connected to the links in three points. I found it best to first cut the single connector (this takes off the tension from the sprue so the links won't break in the next phase). Then cut away the sprue around the links. Now you have little sprues with one link with two connectos. Then it was easy to cut both connectors at once with side cutters.
After cleaning the tracks were ready for assembly. Fortunately the links didn't have any flash. I used liquid cement to build the tracks, first making the curving part around the drive sprockets. I made a lenght of track, wrapped it around the sprockets and then secured the track lenght in place with super glue. (the sprockets are white metal) I did the same with idler wheels but left the lengths unglued.
I glued the suspension units and rear axels+drive sprockets to the hull and left idlers separate. Then I made the rest of the tracks by making lenghts that fitted neatly between the idlers and sprockets.
The links fit perfectly to each other and were easy to handle but use a ruler or similar tool to get the track lenghts straight. I had a couple of sightly warped lenghts but they fitted nicely.