Hey there just thought I'd let you know that I personally Love the Model Master Enamal line.. both the orignal and the Model Master II line. they are slightly thinner than many paints which can cause some problems for brushpainting large area's. They are thin enough in the bottle to use straight in the airbrush but I find it best to thin them down a little bit more to improve spraying.
I basicly do it by eye.. thin em until I think its right. and with the MMII line I hardly ever have a problem.
The Model Master Modeler's Technical Guide (a book by MM all about airbrushing and their paints and products) says the following about the Model Master Enamal Line.
I assume it is for both lines of Model master paint because in the description the paint numbers are for all Model Master Enamals.
"Gloss Enamals start at 3 parts paint to 1 part thinner
Flat enamals start at 3 parts paint to 1 part thinner. "
I've found this information when i started using them invaluable.
just to let u know how much I like this line of colors I have about 120 bottles of em. and only about 25 bottles of other assorted brands.
Also i've used some of the other cheaper type of enamal thinners you can use with these and I find the Model master brand thinner gives me the best results every time.. though I do use cheaper mineral spirits to clean my airbrush.
My best advice is to buy a bottle and see how u like em. once bitten you will be hooked on em.