I don't know about the tracks - but to the second question I've got a story.
When I was in the army (artillery), the officer leading the drill told us before the live ammunition firing that you can actually hit the shell fitted with the fuse one or two times with a hammer, right to the tip and it wouldn't go off - but you really had to think, if you'd like to hit the shell for the third time.
The fuse was build in a way, that it wouldn't be even active before it was shot - there were somekinda little metal balls, that rolled in their places, when the shell was fired and it blazed throught the sky thus setting the fuse "active". This was even tested in theory, when one of the guys accidentally slammed a granade in the end of the gun - tip first, fuse fit - ofcourse, we all dived for cover and the fella with the granade needed a pair of clean underwear..
but nothing happened.
I don't know, if the tankshells have the same fuses that the artillery uses. I guess not, cause the range and the type of ammo is different. Few examples tell me (the one Dave told earlier, about the Greyhound-Panther-incident) that it is possible to hit the granade and blow it off with a bigger caliber, so maybe it is possible to shoot the grenade of a tank with a rifle too. It really would be a shot in a million though.