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Have to disagree with there vinnie sorry.i do know its an outstanding build,but those wespes and marders took some knocks and bangs.they where mainly used for street fighting to support the infantry so scratchers and scrapes were common.
It is not my intention to sound like I am 'calling you out' -challenging you to a fight- on this, but I was under the impression that at the inception Wespes, as an artillery piece, were used from prepared positions in the rear of the fighting as artillery.
To me it follows then that they were not as banged up and scraped up as say a Stug or a Panzer IV. Since the crews were not in the thick of the 'fight of their lives' every minute, there was time to keep things looking presentable. Marders are a different breed of cat, used as tank killers.
Dave's a pretty modest guy, his Wespe looks even better in person.
I took 3rd, as Dave mentioned, with the Wasps in the Park. There are pics in my gallery.
I found out later I had a tiny seam showing on the top of the gun gas tube, there at one end... it was that close I am told.
As for the winner, yeah he used everything AND a kitchen sink, including quite the wallet-ful of aftermarket. If you get a chance, it will be at AMPS, I am sure.
I bought two books I was planning on buying anyway and only used bits and pieces from the spares box. In building a kit from the box with scratchbuilt additions, I met my goal for this build.