I just finished the building-stage of this Panther A from tamiya (35065). Right now, I've sprayed the basecoat, haven't got pics of that yet.
This is not the best kit, so I had to change quite some little things. The tracks are very bad, so I decided to hide them as much as possible : i scratchbuilded schuerzen, and I'll dirty the tracks up. I drilled out the exhaust pipes, replaced most of the handles, drilled out the pins of the utenzils, sanded down the utenzils, added two pins at the back to attach the tow-cables, accentuated the weld seams, tried to create a welded metal effect on the cannon-drum(?), made the tow-cables myself, and so on.
The idea is to put it in an urban dio, with a completely destroyed house (just some low walls left), accompanied by two infantry-men. There'll be some stowage on the tank. A member of an american anti-tank team will be hidden somewhere near.
All comments welcome!!