My Spritztour dio with two drunken German officers somewhere in France was at first just a funny idea to proceed with...after finishing the dio I started to notice bigger themes behind it. Actually it was criticism against on the nazi "ubermensch" ideals, just by showing two guys in the most natural setting, having to take a pee after finishing a bottle of Moselwein...
And no doubt about that, these two guys are just two human beings with names and personal backgrounds, but at the same time they´re carrying uniforms and an uniform is a strong sign of a whole bunch of ideals...whether you share those thoughts or not.
I find myself searching for this kind of extensions beyond the scene that is shown.
In the next couple of projects this approach will hopefully be seen and I have a few big themes I want to show in a small dio.
Classic arts have had the ability to compress a spirit of an era, the political situation and the artist´s own statement in a single work of art.
I believe it can be achieved in modeling as well.