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Even that one could be made into something nice, I did it. No to toot my own horn, but mine came out really great.
Guess what, I also built one. It is on my website. Mine was actually even worse than Tamiya, as it was Academy clone. That's the point - the old kit, while very poor, still had some features made correctly, which are now screwed in this thing they have shown in Nurnburg. This bothers me most - they did it right before, why they screw it now???????????
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Some people are never satisfied.
Yeah, and some are so easy to satisfy... Making the kit right is often as difficult and as expensive as doing it wrong, as in this case. So why should I be satisfied that they do it wrong?! If we start to jump in happiness every time some manufacturer releases a new product, regardless of the quality of it, then what motivation said manufacturer will have to improve products in the future?... I see no reason to encourage manufacturers to produce crap.
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All of these "Problems" that I have identified are easy fixes.
That's right - all those things you identified are easily correctable. And I don't really see a problem with them. But the suspension is wrong and correcting this can be a real pain. Note how far forward the sprocket wheel is in the Nurnberg model. The overhang of the rear hull behind the sprocket is way too large and looks just odd. The whole suspension seems to be compressed forward. Some serious plastic surgery can probably fix this, but then there may be a problem as vinyl tracks may be too short for corrected suspension. They actualy seem to be too short already... Also if you check my photos in M-L thread you can see that the angle of the rear side armor plate seems to be significantly incorrect.
And by incorrect placement of extingusher handle I mean that it is lifted upwards while it should be in the middle of the heigth of the armor plate. It is also too small indeed. But it is correctable.
I must note - I hope what was shown was not a real kit and that it will be better than that. I realize that it is very likely that the display model was not build from the Academy kit, but e.g. converted from Jaguar kit.
And to make it clear - I will buy the new kit anyway, so they will get my money. If it is correctable I will build it. I will also write a review of it. But don't expect me to be happy if it is as flawed as this stuff shown in Nurnberg... I will pay for it, so I have full right to complain as much as I see fit.