Comrade Selrach -- this tank not only
looks heavy, it
is heavy.
That resin turret is solid and must weigh at least a pound, and those Fruil tracks are a hefty chunk as well. I
had to use the Fruil tracks on this one to get that wonderful track sag. The light exagerrated a couple chipped bits on the tracks -- in real-life it is not so bright.
As it went, those tracks were really the only expense on this model. I bought the turret and barrel for about $5 from a vendor at a contest. I won the Eastern Express kit that donated the hull in a raffle at another contest 10 years later. All the bits and bobs were scratched from bits of plastic and wire in the scrap bin -- the headlight lens began as a "wiggle eye" for a stuffed animal (you can buy these by the bag at craft stores). Even the base was a plaque from an old award I fished out of the trash at work (got a few others, too).
This was really a simple build once I found enough photo reference. Wonderful information is coming out of Russia and eastern Europe now that the Iron Curtain has fallen.
P.S. I've taken care of the rear end and the gun muzzle. Anything else? I plan to enter this in the IPMS Great Plains contest in Kansas City next month.