Hi guys. I now have a Nishimo Charioteer model (whether thats a good thing remains to be seen). I compared it along side a tamiya Cromwell and it is a little bigger. My question is, did the hull really get bigger (deeper) on the Charioteer, or was it just a re turreted Cromwell? Is this kit simply 1/32nd and not 1/35th as advertised? As for the kit it is clearly a toy, designed for motors etc, but it's unusual and British, so I like it. It will need new tracks though
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United States Joined: December 01, 2001
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Thanks Chad. I had seen that web picture before. I see they convert a Cromwell kit, so I assume it should have the same chassis. Does anyone know different?
This life is not a dress rehearsal, so don't balls it up!
England - South East, United Kingdom Joined: January 11, 2003
KitMaker: 4,307 posts
Armorama: 2,130 posts
I believe that the prototype Charioteer used standard Cromwell track, and production models used the wider track in the AA conversion kit. The chassis was standard Cromwell. The extended ( by one roadwheel) chassis was introduced for the A30 Challenger tank and Avenger 17pdr SP gun. My guess is that the Nichimo kit is 1/32 scale if it's visibly larger than the Tamiya Cromwell.