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Terry Ashley over at P.M.M.S. has just posted the first review of the new AFV Club Tiger 1 (Late) it can be seen:
As a kind of footnote to this, I am happy linking in to reviews all the time - particularly Terry's as he does a sterling job in the reviews on his site. I'm also delighted to link in any other reviews of this category...
However, as we have over 6500 registered users here, just sometimes I wonder if people are a little afraid of contributing a review. Not that i have any complaints as to what I see on the reviews section - on the contrary, it's just that it would be nice if other sites were linking to more reviews here...Jim
Hi Jim,
It's not that I'm affraid of contributing something, but let me explain why I don't submit reviews....(this goes for reviews I write myself)
There are modellers who want 100% accurate models and they want to spend lot's of money on their models.
There are also modellers who don't mind accuracy and they don't buy all kinds of extra parts
There are also modellers who just like to build OOTB and don't mind too much about detail, but there are also modellers who replace as much parts as possible.
I'm of the kind who liked to stick to building OOTB because it's too expensive for me to buy all sorts of replacements....
What I'm trying to say is that a kit which I like, may not be liked by a modeller who goes for accuracy....or by a modeller who likes detail.
Detail for me can be something different than detail for you.....
For instance, I won't mind if dragon used 4 the same heads in one of their kits, while other people will buy spare heads and replace the dragon ones...
That makes it hard for me to write reviews that are usefull for everybody....
Hope I'm clear in what I'm trying to say!