It really depends on how old the vehicle is.
If it has just come off of the factory floor, the vehicles are all painted by computer and all the designs are exactly the same, so every Bradley that comes off of the factory line with a NATO 3 color scheme has the same camo, all in the same place. Since it would be sprayed on with paint would produce a soft edge.
Now, if it was painted and repainted in the field, chances are, the crew probably wouldn't have acceess to paint gun, and would have to make due with what they had to put the paint on with, paint brush, roller, etc, etc, which would produce a harder line. However in most situations, if an armored vehicle needs a paintjob, it probably also needs some other kind of maintenance, so chances are it would go to a motorpool somewhere, where they would have better tools to apply a paint job.
Also keep in mind, first couple of runs through a mud puddle, and the drying dirt over the NATO scheme, pretty much makes the NATO scheme non existant and becomes an overall mud scheme.