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Panzerfaust damage?
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Antwerpen, Belgium
Joined: June 09, 2002
KitMaker: 2,029 posts
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Posted: Friday, September 20, 2002 - 03:57 AM UTC
I am full of questions tonight

I found several sites on the net about the use of the German Panzer Faust, but I can't find any pictures of the impact damage such a weapon makes on a tank (turret)

I want to build a knocked out tank, but I don't want to destroy it, so I need a impact weapon that gives a visible impact damage but that could kill a crew whiteout blowing a whole tank in bits and pieces. any ideas how it should look and how to do it??

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California, United States
Joined: September 04, 2002
KitMaker: 1,411 posts
Armorama: 609 posts
Posted: Friday, September 20, 2002 - 05:08 AM UTC
The Panzerfaust is basically a rocket propelled shaped charge. As such you would see a relatively small burned/melted hole and perhaps some splatter, but not much more. The "real" damage comes when the charges causes flying metal in the tank or AFV. Never having experienced a Panzerfaust hit I cannot for 100% certain say it would "destroy" a tank, but from the pictures being inside when hit was not pleasant.

Unless fuel or hydralic fluid was ignited, the surviving crew would probably bail out from the tank/AFV before it blew....Showing a single Panzerfaust hit and an abandoned vehicle is well within reality. So have at it !
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Setubal, Portugal
Joined: April 26, 2002
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Posted: Friday, September 20, 2002 - 05:39 AM UTC

Here at Soviet Destroyed AFVs at Russian Battlefield you have lots of damaged tanks photos.

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Oklahoma, United States
Joined: February 17, 2002
KitMaker: 796 posts
Armorama: 574 posts
Posted: Friday, September 20, 2002 - 07:57 AM UTC
Don't know if you found this one but it's got alot of info. Also explains how shape charges work.


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Ontario, Canada
Joined: September 16, 2002
KitMaker: 147 posts
Armorama: 109 posts
Posted: Friday, September 20, 2002 - 08:08 AM UTC
I`ve seen quite a few modern light anti-tank weapons and the damage they can do.(M-72,Carl Gustave) The exterior damage is pretty insignificant(a small hole with rough edges). It is the damage to the interior that is imprressive. Small pieces of metal flying around inside a metal turret doesnt do the crew or interior stowage much good. Just keep in mind the thickness of the armour in the area you want the Panzerfaust to hit.