Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive
This is the campaign group for Ardennes Offensive
Hosted by Richard S.
Ardennes Dio Progress
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Nebraska, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 12:26 AM UTC
Hi everyone. Its been awhile since I put up any pics of my progress for my campaign entry. The scene consists of vehicles from Tamiya and DML. Figures from Tamiya, Wolf, DML, and Tristar. The scene will be a forest road somewhere near Bastogne where the germans come across a sherman 105 that had a thrown track and was left in haste by the allies after most of the useful things had been stripped from it. The hetzer crew is taking what petrol they can find from the sherman while the grenadiers are taking a break. Well here are some in progress shots.

Remember this is still work in progress I just have applied base coats to the vehicles. Please tell me what you think. Cheers Kevin
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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 12:29 AM UTC
Hi mate,

Great work so far. I like the lay-out of your dio, and the camo smocks looks awesome, nice work on those!

I don't have anything to add right now....keep the pics coming!

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Kikladhes, Greece / Ελλάδα
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Posted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 12:31 AM UTC
Kevin , since u have figures ready and basecoated the vehicles u have done all the rough job. And i say this cause i knwo how much u love to do the groundstuff, so u have left the best ribe for the end !!!!

r work on figures looks pretty good and the camo is very wel done also .

The basecoated vehicles are so far so good, and knowing the ground job that has to follw i would say that "the best is yet to come" This one is coming over pretty fast brother and that good cause it comes out also nicely. Waiting for more !!!
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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 12:57 AM UTC
Looking good so far Kevin, I like the figures, they really fit well into your story. I love the guy blowing his clasped hands

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Poznaz, Poland
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Posted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 01:22 AM UTC
Very nice project. I'm waiting for your next steps
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 01:30 AM UTC
This can't be a jackhammer dio --- it's small :-)
Looks good, nice layout, good solid composition.
Couple of positioning things that jump up for me.
The figure in front of the schwim. is in more of a position to keep moving traffic flowing. With this layout, the schwim isn't going anywhere to soon or its going to run over the MP. His left arm is what is throwing his position off for me. If he's simply pointing out something I would rather see his left arm down at his side.
The figure next to the smoker with his left arm out - I would actually make contact between his hand and the smokers shoulder kinda like a pat on the back type of thing.
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 04:32 AM UTC
The diorama layout is looking very nice Kevin. Is this going to be a snow, or mud scene? Your figures look great as well. What tracks are you planning to use on the Sherman to show the thrown track?

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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 06:01 AM UTC
Nice setting!
What kind of camo are you giong to paint on your hetzer??

And will be it a snow dio??

Greetz hilbert
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Michigan, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 06:05 AM UTC
Looks like a very nice compact scene with lots of small stories going on. I was just wondering if that is supposed to represent a traffic jam where all the German vehicles are stopped? I ask because if the Hetzer and the Schwimwagen are driving down the road, I wouldn't want to be one of those resting soldiers standing so close to the road. I would be sitting/standing farther off the road (either the ditch in front or the empty space beyond the schwimwagen) or closer to the side of the Sherman where I wasn't going to get hit by a vehcile or splashed/sprayed with water and snow by passing vehicles

Also the periscope openings on the Sherman commander cupola still needs painting.
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Washington, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 06:39 AM UTC
JackHammer81 -

Excellent diorama. I really like the "theme" which is very well supported with the crowded, somewhat confused atmosphere depicted. Figures are great and like the mix of uniforms/clothing to combat the cold. Tamiya has an relatively inexpensive "1/35 German Fuel Drum Set" (No. 186) that has a hand crank for pumping that might work for the German tank crew siphoning the fuel. Anxious to see this develop,

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Nebraska, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 04:06 PM UTC
Hi everyone. Thanks for all the comments and questions Here are a couple answers for you. Scott- yes its a smaller dio for me, LOL. This time I decided to work on 2 smaller diorama projects at once instead of doing one large one. The figure pointing next to the schwim was also throwing me off for correct position. I believe he will be standing right next to the person sitting on the door of the schwim. The sitting officer will be holding a map and the standing figure will be pointing that they need to take that side road the figures are coming down. That figure is holding his gun sling with his left hand. The figure with the hand out toward the smoking figure is actually letting the second figure light up off his cigarette. Keith and Hilbert- I havent decided yet if it will be mud or mud and snow or snow yet. There are some products and things I am going to be experimenting with to see what kind of results I can achieve. Keith-the tracks for the sherman are Fruils. Hilbert- the camo scheme I am doing is based loosely on the ambush scheme I have seen on the Eduard hetzer which is due for release soon. Not sure how accurate it will be but I didnt like the choices that dml gave with the kit. Alan- it isnt meant to be a road block. Just that the germans are foraging threw an abandon sherman, the Schwimwagen is trying to figure out wheree it should be going back from a recon mission and stopped to ask directions. the hetzer is parked with its crew out getting the fuel from the sherman. The resting crew is not finalized in location yet but I have a feeling its close to what I want. They will be off the road since I havent laid out the exact road boundaries yet. The sherman is not yet finished yet that is just the basecoat so far, it will receive washes, filters and a camo coat of worn winter white. Blade48mrd- thanks for the tip I have that set but cant find the hand crank oh well, I have some other equipment sets I can look thru.
One thing that has been bothering me is that I think the hetzer should be facing the other way since the schwim is coming back in from recon and the grenadiers are moving out I think the hetzer needs to be heading that way as well. I am glad everyone likes it so far. I am painting the hetzers first camo color tonight and will keep everyone posted. Cheers Kevin
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 05:51 PM UTC
Very good mate, keep it up, i wanna see this one start to take shape! Cheers
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Washington, United States
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Posted: Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 02:15 AM UTC
Kevin -

Think you've got a great handle on everything. Also the idea of switching Hetzer direction I think could work. I've got that Tamiya set and have only used the jerry cans and fuel drums. Send me a PM with address and I'll be more than happy to send you the hand crank and extras.
