Fair enough Jim, But ...
Following my last review (and first :-) ) I was contacted by 2-3 contentscouts - "plz, we want material" - etc. Fine, thats nice and makes me feel that my work is valued.
And I know I can look in the supportpage, but in this case my review was submitted as a zipped file (text and pics) and was pending for 2 weeks, and then disapered a week ago - so no chance of follow up on anything ?
All i am saying is, this is a great site, a lot of people want to contribute to keep it alive, we don´t expect much, but being suspended in limbo ain´t that great.
I am well aware of the great work being done by you and a lot of others, all I ask is a simple mail or PM from an editor saying - "dude, you are in the green", or "we would like you to do this and that" then I´m happy and will continue submitting bad english and blurry photos