I joined today to this campaign, cause i wanna get some backround about the game first. But i couldn´t find info about Latin America, only general info about USA, Europe, Africa and Middle East. So this is my project´s argument, if you can check it and make some corrections, i´ll be happy! So
here we go, i´ll post some photos when i get a camera.
The Last Copper Mine, My entry for T2K Campaign
M41ECH, updated with L7 105mm gun.
During the initial stages of WWIII, the Chilean Army used against Soviet supported Peruvian Army ex-Dutch Leopard 1V and French AMX-30 MBT. During the long and costly battles in the Atacama Desert against Peru, the Chilean Army started to run out of tanks, with the addition of constant terrorist attacks made by chilean communist guerrilla. Having some surplus turrets and 105mm guns coming from damaged Leopard and AMX-30 tanks, and thanks to the experience aqcuired in the difficult 70´s decade thanks to the American weapons embargo, the chileans started to rebuilt their old equipment with the help of Israel and South Africa. One of the most clever additions were the remanufacture of the turret to fit the reliable british L7 gun into a M41 light tank, the ones were later renamed M41ECH (ECH for Ejercito de Chile, Chilean Army). They also added indigenous thermal image equipment, side skirts coming from a M113A1 APC, shield for the tank commander operated M-2 heavy machine gun, change of gas engine for a diesel one, adition of cargo baskets and other stuff.
Having won the war with Peru, but with most of military equipment damaged and with no posibility of getting spare parts from France and Germany, and with the difficult mission of protectiong the last working copper mine in the world, known as La Escondida (The Hidden), the last refurbished M41ECH of the Armored Cavalry Regiment “Granaderos” (Grenadiers) it´s outside of the copper mine waiting the final assault of ex-peruvian soldiers and local marauders, who are ready to pillage this last solitary desert outpost.
Wow, writing this story in English was complicated, hope that´s exciting enough!
Thanks for looking!, waiting your comments