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Very cool. How many gun trucks does this make for you? I am absolutely amazed every time I see a new Guntruck from you, especially all the ammo cans in the bottom. You need your own mold to make the hundreds you must have.
I have built 70 so far. I only have about 300 more to go. :-) I ma not really sure just how many there was in Nam. Every time we research it over at the Gun Truck site we find another trucker or they find our site and have photos of their trucks when that were there. A couple of years ago we new of about 275 different trucks. Today we are up to 435 different trucks. Of course some of these trucks were renamed and refitted when new crews took over, so the actual cont if left to speculation. But a safe estimate I guess would be around 300.
You are right about needing a mold for the ammo cans and I have some more mold material from Smooth On so that I can make the molds. It is getting harder to find the kits of them . I have been using the AFV Club ammo can kit but it will be more cost effective for me to cast my own. I already cast my own cabs and accessories already. I don't know why I did not make a mold for the cans before now. Getting to old I guess.