First my apologies for the photo quality. Without a digital camera, I had to take the photo at the end of the Easter pictures, get in a trip to a "One Hour Photo", and then scan in photo. The Tamiya "Ardennes" King Tiger I built for my AGE 2 entry in the "Over 17" category (way over) was a pleasure to build and gave me a chance to "experiment" some. I tried a couple different techniques to get masking for the hard edge "ambush scheme" and then had to back track to a brushed on approach to finish off. Not very happy with results and probably got carried away with the "dots" in camo scheme, but it was for experience and I learned alot. KT is in it's gloss coat awaiting "washes, then weathering" stage so work still to do there and learn from. I'll get better pictures and update when that portion complete, but I wanted to meet deadline at least with the build. Thanks for your patience and feedback definitely welcome,