As you all now, we have several forums, general modeling, armor etc.
We also have the Rivet Review Board and the Critics Corner forums.
I quote the describtions of these fora:
RRB: "Post in-progress pictures of your work for constructive critique"
CC:"Constructive criticism forum moderated by Scott Murphy"
Ok, now suggest I'm working on a diorama with a half-submerged, half sunk LVT-(A)1 and I need to know what people think of my diorama, the rust on the LTV etc.
So, I need constructive critics/critique.
Now I read the forum describtions and I come to the conclusion I can post a thread in both the CC and the RRB. (or am I wrong here)
The way I see it, we've got 2 forums which are actually the same.
So, the question is: What is the difference between the RRB and the CC, and when should I post in the one and when in the other?