Hi, I found [ quite by accident ] that if you apply Citadel Flesh Wash [ # 90730] over Testor # 2014 German Feldgrau it will result in a very realistic looking Olive Drab field uniform colour. I discovered this by accident when I was trying to wash my figure to bring out the shadows. It was actually an undesired affect in the original context as I wanted a German Field Grey uniform base colour, but I thought I would share this because I can see some nice applications for this tip. For example for the uniforms of the German rocket tech troops, who have grey shirts and Olive Drab pants, [ or practically any Olive Drab uniform]. All you have to do is paint the figure grey and then wash the pants with flesh wash to get the desired effect.
Whats nice about is that the process creates a nice " well used " uniform look, with light and dark green areas, just like a nice well worn faded field jacket. If you take an old tee shirt or Q tip you can also burnish the knees elbows and shoulders which accentuates the overall effect.