According to the Osprey Vanguard on the LRDG, they only had four 15-cwt & found them unsuitable. Later they got 25 more 15-cwt Chev 1311X3 (Aussie built, Canadian pattern, Indian pattern body, a true commonwealth vehicle) to use as the scout/pilot car. There were also some Ford 15-cwt used as scouts/pilots into '41.
But the design goal was 30-cwt, Chev or Ford.
Miniatur Models has a resin kit of what I believe is supposed to be a 15-cwt, but there are some discrepancies that I haven't spent the time to iron out, so it sits unbuilt, but not unloved. I do not know if it is still available, nor do I know what the reviews are.
I hope we haven't all assumed your question was not about the CMP 15-cwt ????