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Attention Campaign Organizers/Leaders
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Provincia de Lugo, Spain / España
Joined: April 23, 2003
KitMaker: 12,927 posts
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Posted: Monday, May 09, 2005 - 11:54 PM UTC

Quoted Text

I think that there should be a better way of instructing potential leaders how to run a campaign and gather up the proper ribbons and banners instead of hearing pleas of help as the campaign closes

That is VERY true, however, far too many people come up with a campaign suggestion, launch it and then suddenly the problems begin...

Anyone can submit a campaign idea. What really requires talent is the ability to keep it runing and enthuse the participants....Jim
Joined: December 18, 2001
KitMaker: 12,596 posts
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Posted: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 12:07 AM UTC

Quoted Text

What bugs me are people who have great campaign ideas, fill out the form and recruit a full campaign but don't know anything about creating medals or how to hand out ribbons, etc.

I think that there should be a better way of instructing potential leaders how to run a campaign and gather up the proper ribbons and banners instead of hearing pleas of help as the campaign closes

This arguement doesn't fly with me. There are plenty of folks who are more than happy to create banners and ribbons and do so in a matter of minutes. Is a banner even really necessary?

The award process used to be incumbent on Staff_Jim to upload and enable the award so the campaign leader could hand them out. The vast majority of the pleas was towards the campaign leader to hand out the awards but he could not do anything until Jim activated the function.
Joined: February 18, 2005
KitMaker: 4,303 posts
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Posted: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 06:25 AM UTC

See the things have allready changed...
OK Jim, it's your site, but I regret it very much...

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Delaware, United States
Joined: November 05, 2004
KitMaker: 581 posts
Armorama: 351 posts
Posted: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 07:21 AM UTC
I don't think A moratorium is a great idea, but I do like the campaigns be focused to a specific topic.

I also don't think it's fair to bombard a campaign leader begging to have something included in a campaign. Such as the Spahwagen campaign, It's a scout car/ armored car campaign but I already see someone is doing an M5 Stuart. They can do it in the campaign, but I do not think they should recieve an award, because it does not fulfill the requirement of it being a wheeled scout car. Stuarts were relegated to a recon role, however it isn't a scout car.

Also not to pick on the leader of the Panzer!! campaign (you just happened to be in my gunsights, so please don't get angry), but it is so broad from 1939 to 1945 that it leaves the door open for all sorts of tiger, and panther models. As much as I love the big cats, I think It should have been limited to 1939 to 1943. More room for interesting models to be build than just "oh, I've got a tiger 1 laying around I'll just build that."

A while back I wanted to do a campaign i called "Steel Beasts." Just Heavy Tanks from WWII to present that their primary source of armor is steel. When I said no panthers, or tigers (I or II) and no medium/ light tanks people didn't want to do it because either "it wasn't Fun for them" or "I'm in too many campaigns."

I fully support more campaigns that are focused. Once the campaign has been submitted, and been approved very little changes should be done after that. If a c.l. left a type of vehicle out of a campaign that is obvious that it would fit in, i.e. an MP Squad car for the MP campaign that's in 1/25th scale, that is fine. Not begging to have something included that is vaguely related.

Well, enough rambling from me.......

If you don't like what I said, then PM me.
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Michigan, United States
Joined: October 08, 2002
KitMaker: 137 posts
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Posted: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 11:38 AM UTC
Is this what happened to the campaigns that were proposed? I can see where a couple of them didn't have a chance (Nemisis, even though it was a great idea) but I will be bummed out if they are all dropped, as I just went out and made a significant cash outlay to buy a kit and parts for one of them. (Halls of Montezuma) Not that it really matters, as I will build it whether or not it is a campaign.

I agree that there are some really general campaigns out there. I think general modeling is okay for a campaign if there is a specific time period or theme to the campaign. Although I am not participating in Capture Aideed, I think it makes for a challenging campaign. How many people would have actually built a model from Somalia otherwise. Campaigns can motivate us to build a subject we normally wouldn't think of. I have participated in a couple of these, and found them to be a lot of fun. (Up Front comes to mind)

I also agree that it can be a bit tough to follow a campaign, as threads are usually scattered over two or three forums. Maybe a designated area for an actual thread on the campaign's home page would help.

I enjoy this site, and I am enjoying the campaigns. I tend to read the threads for the ones I am not participating in too, as there are too many nice models to ignore, and I can learn some tricks from models outside of my normal subject area.

These are just my random thoughts on some of the campaigns I have observed and participated in.
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Michigan, United States
Joined: January 15, 2002
KitMaker: 579 posts
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Posted: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 04:13 PM UTC
Owwww...this one makes my head hurt!

I think very good points have been made by many folks. I'm guilty of not knowing Jim's original intent for Campaigns, but did those criteria envison 7000+ members?

I'm not sure what to think regarding the lack of focus in Campaigns, I can see both sides, but as to the sheer number of Campaigns I think it is a function of numbers- More members equals more Campaigns.

I'm venturing into the realm of Campaign Leader soon (4 months) and I allowed 8 months for the build. I did this based on my own build habits. I am often consumed by all that distracting "real life" stuff, but I like to be able to finish a Campaign (and my record is DISMAL to this point ) I'd much rather allow a couple of extra months to finish something than to make it yet another THING TO DO!

I am probably overcommitted in Campaigns myself, kinda like when you look at the menu and order more than you can eat! THe old "eyes are bigger than the stomach syndrome!" But I really like the big menu of choices we have here at Armorama. My $.02- tweak the Campaigns perhaps, but they seem pretty good to me as is!

And as always- thanks to the many who make this site happen!
