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Thanks for the pic Offhand do you know how the unit markings are like? I see this one is marked with an HQ unit Were they normally like that?
It is real easy to decypher US Army bumper markings for divisions. From left as looking at the vehicle, the first number is the division followed by a capital I for Infantry, black triangle for armor (only one of those left) or CAV for cavalry (only one of those).
1I for 1st ID
2I, 3I, 4I for the other infantry divisions
1▲ for 1st Armor Division
1CAV for 1st Cavalry Division
The light infantry divisions get a little special:
10MTN for 10th Mountain
82ABN for the 82nd Airborne
101ABN for the 101st Airborne
The next series of numbers is for the battalion and regiment (if the unit is a combat arms formation).
1-77 would be 1st Battalion 77th Infantry Regiment
3▲32 or sometimes 3-32▲ for 3rd Battalion 32nd Armor (some do it either way, but would be constant throughout a battalion)
As Pete says, the ambulance would be part of the HQ company (called Headquarters and Headquarters Company or HHC). Those numbers on the right would be HQ-## or HHC-## depending on the SOP of the unit. I've seen it both ways. When I was an HHC commander, a bumper number "HQ-##" denoted a staff vehicle belonging to one of the primary staff sections (S1, S2, S3, S4 or the Bn Cdr or Bn XO or sergeant majot). HHC-## denoted a company support vehicle. These included the medics, support platoon (fuel & ammo), cooks, maintenance, commo platoon, etc.