I used to use straws to mix, but it always ended up taking out too much, with little control. Now when I remove the lid of my humbrol tin-lets, I stir them with cocktail sticks. I then use this cocktail stick to take the paint out with. Stir around, and quickly (holding stick at an angle) remove it a let paint drop onto pallet. Two or three times doing this, takes out enough paint to do most jobs, and any more only hardens and doesn´t give a nice finish.
This is fast and just give the cocktail stick a wipe with a piece of toilet roll. I keep a roll of this at hand all the time. Its important to clean the lids as well, because if paint hardens here, the lid may not sit properly and the next time you use the paint it will have developed a nice skin layer.
For a pallet I use the lid of an easy-spread butter tub. One for flats and one for metallics. Just wipe them with the toilet roll at the end of each session and they´ll last until the next tub of butter is empty.
No cost, fast, efficient and has become my little routine over the last few years. Works for me anyway!