I have a question about the mounting points for the spaced armor that was seen on the M10 tank destroyers Did the achilles have any attachment bolts? I've only seen 3 or 4 pics of the Achilles From what I've seen the hull sides didn't have them,but I was curious if the front hull or turret sides still had them mounted on Also did they have the grouser holders on the sides? I'm using the AFV Club version with some academy bits thrown in,like road wheels,idler wheels,U-shaped towing clevis's and some interior parts I may even put on the roof armor I saw one pic of an Achilles that had roof armor in the Concord book on tank destroyers I have two drawings of the turret insides that show what the Academy and AFV Club kits are missing,also shows that the ammo was not stored in fiber containers in the hull I tried a web search on tankdestroyers(all one word)but came up blank If anyone wants those turret pics send me a PM I will send them
Chad #:-)