Here's 2 pics of my M4A4 Latest DML hull Formations turret and idlers Various PE The towing clevesis are from Cal Scale I primed it after the pics were taken Any ideas on a good shade of green for it? I use acrylics Also,where would the Allied star go? Turret top or engine deck?
I tell ya that PE almost made me a candidate for the looney bin :-) :-)
To fight the hordes,singing and crying,Valhalla I am coming
England - South East, United Kingdom Joined: January 11, 2003
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That's looking fine so far Chad. For British late war vehicles I use a Games Workshop paint from the Citadel range called 'Catachan Green' Depending on the vehicle I've seen the star on the turret top, the engine deck and in a few cases both - just a question of research on the individual vehicle I'm afraid. This is what that colour looks like (after a raw umber wash):it also needs a primer to cover plastic.
Grumpy Old Modeller No1
Growing old disgracefully!
Queensland, Australia Joined: October 07, 2002
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I mixe up my star placements just so that there is more variety. Even on the sides., Sometimes I put them only on the turret. Other times only on the hull or even both. Of course you can place stars anywhere and black them out too as many crews did.
You don't support the troops if you don't support the mission!
England - South East, United Kingdom Joined: January 11, 2003
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dave Thanks What do you use to thin those GW paints with?
They thin with water like most other acrylic paints, as I brush paint I use mine straight from the jar. I have no problems with coverage so long as the surface has been primed ( I use grey auto primer). They also make a great steel (boltgun metal) and I also use the their flesh tones as undercoats for my figures faces.
Grumpy Old Modeller No1
Growing old disgracefully!
British Columbia, Canada Joined: February 09, 2004
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