First off let me say welcome to the world of the fast movers.
Don't know what you mean by what type of paint you need to use so I'll give it a shot.
First step is to prime the model then preshade ( if you like).
I just use flat acyrlic paint. Painting from the lightest color to the darkest color over all, masking as you go, or if you are good enough with an airbrush. Just freehand it. I for one still have to mask.
The link below can give you some ideas of what colors and and schemes for 3 of the 4 planes you mentioned. As you can see there are many options you can choose from. The FS colors listed are from the modelmaster line so they can be easily cross referanced to other brands if need be.
http://www.jpsmodell.de/dc/luft_flug_e.htm Hope this at least started to answer your questions.