For your first armor kit I think you did a fine job overall Excellent job on blending in the Tamiya decals They can be a pain to blend in because of the thick carrier film Great to see the ends of the MG barrels drilled out
The only improvements I can think of are....
The equipment That stuff should be tied down I use a green shade of sewing thread To me that is a good scale thickness
If you are going to put backpacks etc on the turret you may wish to add tiedowns points to the turret
Did you paint the periscope glass portions on the turret? It looks like you did It's a bit hard to tell I use gloss black for those
On the recessed portions I use a black wash made of artists water colors I add some water to a 1/2 inch portion I also add a drop of dishwashing soap That makes it a bit easier to put on
I use water colors for all my washes If you make a mistake with water colors they are easy to remove Just use a damp towel
The Sherman tanks had raised weld beads Bryan Gray aka Ex-Royal has written a great article on making weld beads Here is a link to it
https://armorama.kitmaker.net//features/485 Welcome to the dark side of modeling :-)