Hi, I just recieved my Gragon Panther2. Great kit.
But I have thes questions :
- can this tank carried the Pearson mine plough?
- when it push the mine roller, how work the tank suspensions
- in the Dragon instruction sheets there is only Olive green. What colors can be used (Humbrol or Tamya)
Hosted by Darren Baker
M1 Panther 2 questions

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Posted: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 04:43 AM UTC


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Posted: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 05:04 AM UTC
The M1Panther II can use either the mine plow or the rollers. When it is has either attached, the tank is noticebly lower in the front due to the extra weight. The suspension works the same as it would at any other time. The color should actually be Forest Green, the same green as in NATO 3-color camo, not OD Green. Not sure what the different companies call their versions, but I believe Tamiya calls it NATO green, Testors calls it Forest Green with the corresponding FS# 34127.


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Posted: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 07:36 AM UTC
Quoted Text
When it is has either attached, the tank is noticebly lower in the front due to the extra weight.
To be more precise - the front of the tank is lower when the MCB or MCR is attached, while the rear is actually slightly higher than neutral.
Quoted Text
Testors calls it Forest Green with the corresponding FS# 34127.
Testors Forest Green FS34127 paint is completely different color from Tamiya or Gunze Sangyo NATO Greens. It is not even close - it is much lighter and brighter and much more "grassy" green. Proper NATO Green FS number is 34094 and unfortunately there is no such color in Testors ModelMaster range. Gunze and Tamiya colors are quite similar to each other and both look very good on the model.

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Posted: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 08:50 AM UTC
Thanks to all.
Tomorrow I make a try with the suspension arms, and post some pics before gluing.
For the color, Ralph Zwilling on ML modern forum give me its Forest Green color:
4 parts Tam XF67
1 part Tam XF 26
I will try this.
Tomorrow I make a try with the suspension arms, and post some pics before gluing.
For the color, Ralph Zwilling on ML modern forum give me its Forest Green color:
4 parts Tam XF67
1 part Tam XF 26
I will try this.


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Posted: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 09:01 AM UTC
Quoted Text
4 parts Tam XF67
1 part Tam XF 26
Tamiya XF-67 is the mentioned NATO Green and it is pretty good match on its own. But of course you can try Ralph's mix - maybe it will be even better.

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Posted: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 03:51 AM UTC
As promise, Itry to done the rigt look to my Panther.
But it no evident. As the roadwheel arms axles are hoctogonal shape, there is not right positions.
I does make these pieces round, after I can give the right angle.
But now dont know what it is this right angle,.
TIA for your help.
But it no evident. As the roadwheel arms axles are hoctogonal shape, there is not right positions.
I does make these pieces round, after I can give the right angle.
But now dont know what it is this right angle,.
TIA for your help.


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Posted: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 04:43 AM UTC
Pascal, this should give you some idea of the angle by where the bottom of the side skirts is positioned over the roadwheels. Notice that the rear roadwheel rim can be seen completely while the front one has the top 20% or so cut off.


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Posted: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 05:48 AM UTC
Brother Rob, that is a nice picture of a USMC M1A1 with mine plow. C Co, 1st Tanks circa 1997. I believe OPERATION KERNEL BLITZ at Camp Pendleton. It is interesting that on the tank in the background you can see what we at 29 Palms called "condom nets". They fastened with velcro and covered the whole turret and maingun. Neat photo for details. See the MARLOG(Marine Logistics )label on the tanks front skirt and the RUC(Reporting Unit Code) stencil, M21414 on the plows left lifting motor. Data plates on the power cable recptacle between the two motors. Homemade water jug rack on the turret side. Rack # and Company stenciled on the rifle butt stock. Do you still need or want a torsion bar pic? I will be heading out to 29 Palms this month. "Tanks" for posting this pic. Out here.


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Posted: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 05:54 AM UTC
Pascal, I apologize for taking your post on a tangent and not contributing anything to your original query. Out here.


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Posted: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 06:05 AM UTC
Quoted Text
this should give you some idea of the angle by where the bottom of the side skirts is positioned over the roadwheels.
This actually is not exactly a good picture for Panther II suspension positioning, although it is great for modifying regular M1A1 or M1A2. Panther II is much lighter than M1A1, so even without the MCB or MCR attached it sits higher above ground than normal "turreted" tank. Suspension in DML model was based on photos and measurements of Panther II vehicle, so correctly portrays this feature (this is important to remember for everyone planning to use Panther II hull to build M1IP!) This means that front of plow equipped M1 Panther II hull would most likely not be as low as on the photo above.

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Posted: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 06:39 AM UTC
Thanks, very interesting thread.
But in fact what is the BEST look for a a M1 Panther2.
I think to make one as seen on Prime Portal pics.
Heavy nose front and light rear.
Thanks for your ideas.
Now for the final colours, after some sach in my paints stock, I think what is the interest of the XM 26 colour.
But in fact what is the BEST look for a a M1 Panther2.
I think to make one as seen on Prime Portal pics.
Heavy nose front and light rear.
Thanks for your ideas.

Now for the final colours, after some sach in my paints stock, I think what is the interest of the XM 26 colour.
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