On a automotive spray can coated (about six months ago) stabilizer I offer regular and light salt, acrylic and enamel paint, and three gloss coatings.
I used regular salt on one side and Morton's light salt on the other. On each side the outer third is Polly Scale, middle is Tamiya black, and Model Master enamel on the fuselage side. I blasted away the salt with a garden hose. Over each is, leading edge towards elevator (with a thin unglossed strip between each) Future, Glosscoat and Polly Scale Gloss.
Results: the Polly Scale shows 'salt rash' although neither Tamiya nor MM does. The glosses do not seem effected. Nor does there seem a difference with light vs regular salt.
I believe that my P-40's fogging problem was merely not washing off the salt well enough. I wiped the Future off the wings and filets with ammonia, used no water, and re-Futured it.
In summary, salt works. Just remove it with more than brushing with distilled. Otherwise, it will fog the Future and probabaly others.
Salt rashes Polly Scale. It did not noticeably effect the Tamiya nor MM.
An aside, note the large scratches on the Tamiya and MM. It easily scraped off with my fingernail, and bits peeled off with the low-tack tape. Polly Scale sticks like glue!
All the best to you,
Fred Boucher
tot siens,-30-, 73, Osmosis amoeba
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