Hi Peter,
Nice job on the vehicle and the pe, those track hangers are a bugger to put on aren't they? If you are going with an overall green vehicle with stripes I would recommend painting the green first, one reason for this is that I find when painting subsequent colors the amount of overspray is harder to see on a darker color than it is on a lighter color. Meaning that yellow over green is harder to see than green over yellow. I have put a picture of my Jagdpanther I finished a few months ago as an example,
![](../../../photos.kitmaker.net/data/500/jag5.jpg )
I first laid down a coat of green and post shaded the green, then I followed with the red brown and finally with the yellow stripes, there are more pictures in my gallery.
another fine example is Gunnar's Jagdpanther's
http://missing-lynx.com/gallery/german/gjjp.htm and
http://missing-lynx.com/gallery/german/gjjagdp.htm I hope this helps and I am looking forward to seeing some paint on it, any ideas for a unit?