I can't think of a project that gave me so much pleasure in a long time. It was a blast to look through old course books and search for photo's..man there ain't much out there, frustrating but fun none the less! I tried unsuccsessfully to get to the BCR's museum but no joy ( although I might have an opportuntiy soon!)
The kits are Tamiya's M151 and Skybow/AFV Club's M-38,( which by the way is a little jewell, I'll be building more of those) paint is Poly S and the decals are a combination of Archer and Quartermaster.Tarps are Miliput with lead straps and Historex buckles. Camo nets; good old cheese cloth and dried herps. Tthe rest of the kit inside the vehicles is from Tamiya.
The FN's are from an Australian firm called Firestorm Models, they needed a little cleanup but look very good when painted.
Hope you like them.