Hello to the Phillipines!
I've been there a gazzillion times, I love the land, the people and the beer!
I too have a problem checking out photos for comment, (laugh) the other day I thought I saw some exposed metal on a sub, so I mentioned that it would be rust, since the sub was in the salt water and all. I got a return letter back saying that what I was looking at was a reflection from the camera flash... hahahaha... Doh!
But, the one thing that I said I wouldn't do is fluff my comments, because I think if your like me, and you finaly get the courage to post your stuff, you really wanna know how you can improve right? Well, personaly, from what I can see I love your paint job. I think you did a fine job. Seriously. If its seems glossy to you, I'm sure that you can find an article somewhere on here on how to use dull coat. To me, it looks fine.
If I was to call any shots about the construction, in the last picture that you posted in the left hand corner where the hull meets the left side and the top it apears in the photograph like there's a gap there at that seam. If you went to like an IPMS show to compete, reguardless how nice the paint is, a judge would have to look for flaws like this to cancel out a tank to narrow down the field to pick the best tank of the day. I think that I also see on the last road wheel part of the sprue tree still attached to the center hub, you may want to carve them off the tree a little bit closer to the hub in the future.
Judges early evaluations are, seems, glue, alignment. If they see any of these basic construction problems and there's more than 4 tanks there, it will be over looked and they'll go onto the tanks that don't have any of the three basic problems showing.
That's just some basic advice that I can give you. I thought I was doing great and I was, my paint jobs looked fine, but after I joined a club they told me about the seams and stuff. I just wanted to pass it on. I hope it helps.
And, Congrats on finishing school!