I built the Italeri kit last year when I first found this site; at that time there was alot of M1 Abrams types being built so I like how the kit went together and just had enough fixing to make me scrap build or fix it and not get ovewhelmed me for my first time.
It was sitting there collecting dust when I got done with me Germen M88 Flack that was my first time weathering on my M88 Germen Flack and it came out OK. I started to weather my M1A1 Abrams reaguler one without the resin.I have another 3 things too weather after this one so I decided to try fixing this one up. So if I messed it up I can just use this M1 Abrams as a test kit for my skill level upgrades I only ruin one model instead of all of them.
Thanks for the tips. I'll post some pic's when I finish it, I am going to even try Mig Pigments for a ODS or OIF M1A1 Abrams theme.
Happy Modeling

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