There's a few vehicles from the Indy trilogy that I've always wanted to build as models, but I don't know exactly what they are and who makes models of them.
(side note; this is in the WW II - Germany group because it's the cloesest group there was)
The first contestant is:
-The truck Indy takes control of in 'Radiers', the one carrying the Ark.
It appears to be a mid-1930's Mercedes Benz deisel truck. ... I found this quote on a website,"...there was a battle scarred truck in the chase, one that had been through scaffolding and really been smashed. This was built especially, based on an American GMC, a 1943 model."
Anybody know of a model of this truck, or something I can use as a base for making one?
-The tank at the end of 'Crusade'. Most of what I know about the tank can be found in the thread I have a link to above, but I'd like to ask again if anyone knows of a model of this that's availible.
This site has a little bit of info about the two vehicles mentioned above...
So, to sum up the post: I'm looking for info, photos and model kits related to the vehicles mentioned above. If no model kits are availible, well I'll just have to start scratchbuilding then!
