Hey! You want some great fodder for an emerging 'Shermanaholic'? Then pick up a copy of Zaloga's new book US Tank Battles in Germany 1944-45 of the 'armor at war series'.
Unbelievable pics of everything from 'Jumbo's' to M4 Calliope's to the DD's. He's got photo's of the different Ordinance units and their 'take' on up-armouring their tanks. The Ninth with their steel rack, sandbags and camo netting. The 12th's application of a concrete slab over the glacis plate. And the 11th's use of scavenged armour plate from other knocked out tanks.
Great stuff!
He even has a photo of a couple of M4 Crocodile flamethrower's!
Get a copy!!
In fact, if you dyed-in-the-wool Shermanaholic's don't get a copy.........well, you should be ashamed of yourself!
#:-) #:-) #:-)