Dave: Yes, it's a nice little kit. I've had three or four of them for quite some time, but never built one. After this build, I think another will be on the horizon, perhaps a conversion.
India11A: The wash was a pastel dust/isopropyl alcohol mix that I have used successfully many times. It goes on clear, so you don't know what you are getting until it dries. If it's too heavy, I can normaly tone it down a bit with straight alcohol washes. Not this time.
I think I may have figured out what went wrong. I painted this kit with Humbrol enamels, so there may have been a reaction between the wash and the Humbrol. Every other time I've used this wash, it has been on top of Model Master enamels.
I think I'll just chalk it up to experience and not bother with re-finishing it. It'll go into the display case and never be entered in any shows.