The 3rd Amoconian Rail Battalion responded to a call from the besieged Free Army of Illinois, Shiloh Co. for artillery support close to the Wisconsin border at Lake Michigan. The 3rd ARB rolled out the last two undestroyed railcars: "Barbara"' a 43' howitzer carriage and "Niamh (nee-iv)", a 60' railcar with 2 M1 turrets, to shell the enemy. Mission accomplished! On the way home however, "Barbara" developed a bad case of thrown bearing and had to halt about 2 miles from base, in Rondout, Illinois.
The problem is this, She's stuck out in the open! With random regular troops wandering around, her location could be reported and satellite weapon platforms could easily reduce the trains to scrap metal. She needs a new bearing set and she needs it NOW!
Enter Myrtha Kairo, The 3rd's Chief Engineer and the only one who can do the fix on-site. Her Land Rover, aquired from a collector who didn't need it anymore, keeps all the tools she needs to fix the problem! can she do it in time though! She's on her way!
This is my T2K2005 entry.

I am not working on this truck anymore, I'm done! DONE, I tell's ya! Maybe on the dio base,but, not the truck!
Hope this qualifies!