Hey there just found this link which lists the equipment of the 12th SS HitlerJugend.. personally I can't tell you how accurate it is but its a good starting point..
12th SS Panzer Division here a quote of the relevent info...
"At the start of June 1944, the Division was declared ready for combat operations. SS-Brigadeführer Fritz Witt, an LSSAH veteran, was the Commanding officer. The Division's tank strength at complement was 81 Panther ausf A / G and 104 Panzer IV ausf H / J tanks. The Division was also equipped with Jagdpanzer IVL70 tank destroyers, 3 prototype Wirbelwind flak vehicles, along with a number of 20mm, 37mm and 88mm flak guns, Hummel, Wespe and sIG 33 SP guns and regular tube artillery.
However, its tank destroyer unit, SS-Panzerjägerabteilung 12, was not ready for action and was understrength in Jagdpanzer IV."
also in my book on the SS i've looked for the pics of the 12th SS and found some pics
one shows a panther leading some Kubelwagens, a 250/1 halftrack and a couple of motorcycles.
one photo I think you would like to hear about is some Panthers Ausf A's lead by a motorcycle with a sidecar through Caen on D-day.. parked to one side where the photographer seems to be is what looks like a Horch.
another is of a 251/7 engineer vehicle.
thats all the HJ pics in the book that I can see from around D-Day..
also another link
12th ss Panzer Division has this excert about Caen..
"Following the Allied assault on Normandy on June 6, 1944, the 12th SS Panzer Division, then stationed at Dreux, France, was ordered to defend the city of Caen. The division suffered high casualities (approximately 60%) in its defense of Caen, and was eventually driven out of the city by British and Canadian forces in early July."