Hey guys, I am in the process of completing the base coat for my tank, and I was wondering how you guys apply future into the wheel wells of the tank... or the inner hull where the road wheels and drive sprocket are located? And do you only apply the first coat when your sealing off the paint, or do you still apply a second coat after you add the decals on? I am paint brushing the future on, so I have to know... because it would be hard to apply a 2nd coating of future onto my model when I have the tracks on the tank... and no... I cant take it off... here’s my problem: I am building a leopard 2a6, and its either I glue the tank skirt on or after I apply the 1st or 2nd coat of future.... because that tank skirt doesn't give me accessibility of taking off the tank tracks.
because heres how I plan on futuring my lower hull and tank:
1) Future the road wheels seperately
2) Then future the bottom of the tank, and the inner recesses of the wheel wells
3) Then future the turret, and top of the tank hull.
4) Let dry for 48 hours?
5) Apply decals
6) Reapply future to what areas ----> I need help here
7) Wash the tank with my Windsor Newton oils
8) weathering prehaps? maybe some mudd or sand...
8)... Done I hope?
9) Ah yes... painting the figures that came with my tank...
Ah yes, I will be posting my first progress pictures soon in the armor forum…. Watch out for it…. Its my first TRUE model kit… since a few snap-together, already colored pieces, that I didn’t bother painting Gundam kits I built like 5 years ago.