Panzer Tracts #7-1 has an excellent account of both the vehicle (10.5cm Pz Slf IV "Dicker Max") and the complete unit history that operated it. Great B&W photos, and good information.
Where was the pic you were talking about ?
Hopefully Panzer Tracts will do a follow up volume (#7-3 ???) with the 12.8cm Pz Sfl V "Sturer Emil" in the future. You never know, Trumpeter was daring enough to attempt the Sturer Emil, so maybe the will surprise us all and do a Dicker Max as well. Either them or one of our other favorite 1/35th armor manufacturers

This is a great thread we have going here gents ! Its good to see you all interested in this unsual German subject.
Thanks to all of you for keeping this thread alive

Cheers !!
