I finely got started on this and am using Italeri’s 3:35 scale brick wall set.
Here are some pictures of what I have so far but it is still far from finished.

I will be adding broken bricks to the wall as well.
I’m looking for opinions on how to finish it.
I went it to look burnt so after painting the walls I’m thinking of giving it a dark wash on the inside but I don’t know how dark to make it.
I also don’t know what to do about the joints.
Should I make them a greyish color or just keep them the color of the bricks?
Also I need ideas for the floor.
I’m assuming most Europan houses hade wood floors at the time correct?
In that case most of it would be burnt away but I don’t know how to make that look right.
Also any other ideas would be appreciated.
Oh and by the way I’m going to be having a group of panzer grenadiers in the building as an america squad storms it.