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Hi, it's me again...99% completed on this dio of an MG nest. ... but would like to know, what stuff can I add in the nest? I want to make it look like the crew has been manning the post for a long time. Suggestions?
Very Nice Job!
As to what to add... think about being stuck in a position for days or weeks on end – with rather unfriendly people out there, attempting to end your earthly journey. Soldiers are people too... really we are (were)! So what would you have to keep:
Ammo crate or old farm stool to sit on. Poncho or blanket off to one side. Personal gear – canteen, mess kit, cigarettes, open rucksack or kit-bag.
food stuff Military or "borrowed" from the locals... And maybe a few wine/beer bottles over the side (away from NCO eyes).
book, newspaper, cards, letters from home, picture of girl friend
Trash… inside and out… Stuff you keep and things you through over the sandbags to keep the rats and flies away. Remember a young 2nd Lt. who endured his first firefight while covered in his breakfast and coffee and I do believe he relieved himself on the first shot.
Just some ideas. Think about what you would want, need or do if you were in that situation. And of course the most difficult is HOW MUCH? You do not want to over do it, but then again a single item looks out of place (unless that is your intent in the story – i.e. Two soldiers peering behind rocks/wall/ trees at a canteen just out of reach as it leeks water into the soil… you get the idea))
Good luck and keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing more of your work.