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BBB Changing on my build
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United States
Joined: December 01, 2001
KitMaker: 3,172 posts
Armorama: 2,495 posts
Posted: Sunday, August 14, 2005 - 07:54 AM UTC
For BBB I was going to build a Wasp MK IIc A flamer on the Bren gun carrier I got the Resi-Cast conversion The parts are numbered and in good condition The directions.............................. They are B&W photos on parts placement
However they just show an in progress build They don't tell you the part #'s on that particular photo I will build it sometime in the future

This one is over my head I will build a DML Flammpanzer III instead Looks like a nice OOB build for me Hopefully I can paint it panzergray
Joined: February 18, 2005
KitMaker: 4,303 posts
Armorama: 1,051 posts
Posted: Sunday, August 14, 2005 - 08:28 AM UTC

That's a wise verdict you made (Joda wise speaking).
It's bether to wait and build it when you are convinced you can build it than try it and find out you blew it.
Wiat a bit and your skills will be ready for that kit!

Happy modelling on the Flampanzer III !