Yes it's true.....I've started on a new diorama! You don't see much of my diorama works so far here at armorama because I finished none of them but this time I really want to do this!
Of course all your help is take a look at the pics, remember it's still in-progress and share your ideas and opinion.
The story behind the diorama is simple....Sdkfz 251/22 crewmembers are preparing their vehicle for an ambush. They parked the 22 in a Biergarten to avoid being seen by the enemy troops.
The building is made of plastic card with wood.....gonna use cork and plaster for the rest of the building, haven't figured out yet how to do the roof (frame with wood but what to use on top of this frame?) I want to add a balcony (that's what the high door is for), and things like beer cans/glasses, chairs etc inside the building and in the garden...a sign next to the gate with "Biergarten"....well, everything to make it look like a real biergarten :-)
More figures will be added to the base as well as ammo etc
Any ideas are welcome!

Oh and I know the windows have different sized....I still need a lot of practice hehe