Armor/AFV: Allied - WWII
Armor and ground forces of the Allied forces during World War II.
Hosted by Darren Baker
M4A1 Sherman Italeri help
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Florida, United States
Joined: December 27, 2001
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Posted: Friday, November 01, 2002 - 11:05 AM UTC
PlasticBattle, I'm hoping the barrel will withstand the sanding. I'm going to first go for just removing the steps towards the breech. I'll sand them at least to a taper first, than go for straightening taper. Never tried with this barrel before...

Adam, the most likely used around Normandy, would be the type M1A2.
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Kansas, United States
Joined: January 24, 2002
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Posted: Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 11:36 AM UTC

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I'm going to first go for just removing the steps towards the breech. I'll sand them at least to a taper first, than go for straightening taper. Never tried with this barrel before...

It can be done -- there is plenty plastic inside to take the trimming and sanding. I did this many moons ago to use the Italeri turret on an M4A3E8 conversion. It just takes a bit of patience and checking and rechecking your progress. I love stuf like this -- it's the difference between "modeling" and "building," IMHO.
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Florida, United States
Joined: December 27, 2001
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Posted: Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 11:50 AM UTC
Thanks Bob.
I started last night removing the steps. I was feeling a little unsure of how much plastic would be left on the barrel's walls to go for removing the taper. I shall proceed with confidence...minded confidence that is.
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Georgia, United States
Joined: March 08, 2002
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Posted: Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 07:11 AM UTC

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Kenc--Are you sure that the Rubio barrel is correct? I know that the Italeri barrel is way off, but I thought that not only is it incorrectly shaped, but that it is too short which would mean that the Rubio barrel is even shorter still.

To be correct, the Rubio 76mm M1A1 barrel is slightly longer than the kit tube. It's a little more than 1mm longer than the kit tube. What I did was cut the kit tube at the mantlet opening, bored out the opening to snugly fit the a/m barrel and fit the new tube in place.

When done, the tube measures out to about 8 1/4' in scale. Scale measurement comes out to 159.96" muzzle to bore; the actual gun measured 163.75". (Thank you, Mr. Hunnicutt!)

I like the look of the gun; so I'm using it.