Hi Darren,
I'm going to buck trend and not tell you WHAT I WANT to build next..... :-)
As your a newcomer I would recomend going with one of the smaller Tamiya kits - a Pz 1 or 2 .
The reasons for this are:
1. Cost - smaller kit smaller dollars.
2. Skill level. As a "new modeller" a smaller build is a better idea.
3. Tamiya kits (usually) go together well and a perfect starting place for someone new to the Hobby.
4. A Tamiya rattle can of Panzer grey will see you sorted for the painting stage.
As your new go for a fun, accessible and cheap build. Enjoy it and attempt some of the techniques in th forums (washes and drybrushing if your really game)

P.S Welcome to the site.