Here is my slightly twisted version of on 2 wheels
This is a Teddybear ( what else) in my cycle clu colours holding my TREK 1500 road bike all only 40mm high
All of it was scratch built
Where Armorama group builds can be discussed, organized, and updates posted.
Where Armorama group builds can be discussed, organized, and updates posted.
Hosted by Darren Baker, Richard S.
On 2 wheels Campaign piece
Queensland, Australia
Joined: April 10, 2005
KitMaker: 2,654 posts
Armorama: 208 posts
Joined: April 10, 2005
KitMaker: 2,654 posts
Armorama: 208 posts
Posted: Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 02:15 PM UTC