Having both the (elderly/inaccurate) Tamiya kit and the two Trumpeter kits I could get ('Small Turret' and KV2) i'd like to add the following comments... There is no need to replace the side hooks on the Trump one whatsoever, they are the correct shape and scale out very nicely indeed. What I would suggest is the following, if you have both, dump the Tamiya one. I find it difficult to believe that anyone would seriously buy the Tamiya KV in favor of the Tumpeter ones.
Regarding, the building of the German KV II, the additions are reasonably simple - Pz 3 (or early Pz 4) cupolas, new lights, Notek light and a scratchbuilt ammo rack on the rear:
The real pity, is that Mig Productions produced an accurate update set for the German KV 2 just a few months before Trumpeter:
Sturm Pz.Kpf.Wg. KV II 754 r Effectively, the only game in town in KVs is Trumpeter - both the the Eastern Express and Tamiya kits are totally inadequate nowadays. When I did the build-review of Trump's KV, I was sorely tempted to actually do a comparison article at the same time, but the difference is so immense, it eemed like a pointless exercise. The full (BUILD) review of the Trumpeter kit can be seen:
KV1 (Model 1942) Simplified Turret Tank Finally, although the Trump KVs are superb, some reference material is definitely needed, in the coming weeks I will be putting together a feature on the KV along with a number of (easily obtainable) reference sources..Jim